Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Gallery Talk & Opening tomorrow at Moreau Art Galleries

Don't miss tomorrow's events at the Moreau Art Galleries!
Gisela Insuaste gives a Gallery Talk at 3 p.m.
Then Opening Reception from 4-6 p.m. Artists Gisela Insuaste, Karin Lekan, & Kelley Schei will all be there.
And there's food.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My Name

animation in progress.

its not done yet...
37 frames so far.
-aimee sanjari.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Ashley Ryan's Animation

first animation demo

Here's a very short animation from our demo during Monday's class. It
was made using a sequence of Photoshop documents assembled as an image
sequence in Quicktime. The first frame was made using the line tool on
the fill pixels setting and the pencil tool, drawn separately on 3
different layers, plus a white background layer. Then this frame was
changed using the move tool, eraser tool, and free transform only,
using the 'Save As' command after each set of changes was made.